Why Is Jezebel After You?

Why is Jezebel after you? This spirit is after anyone in management positions or persons who have yet to realize they’re called to leadership. Secondly, you may be the truth teller in the family and one who doesn’t tolerate ignorance. Lastly, this spirit is after anyone it can exploit.

Does this mean that a bodiless spirit is walking around instigating? Of course not. It is hosting a wounded person. This person could be anyone. When people think of Jezebel, their first thought is a promiscuous woman that wears makeup and seduces men. However, this is just one of the number of tricks used to control someone.

The Jezebel spirit’s motus operandi is to control and complete its only mission – divide, kill, steal and destroy. An environment full of strife is like its miniature kingdom. It wants to be a god minus the accountability. You have untapped authority it wants. If you’ve been abused, you probably shy away from leading anyone out of fear of being rejected. You might fear the responsibility of managing various personality types and maintaining order under a microscope. After all leaders are managed as well – unless you’re self-employed.

If you’re already a leader, a person under the influence of this spirit WILL get near you. They will play nice until you reject them knowingly or unknowingly. Once you reject them, they launch an attack (smear campaign) against you. The person will influence others to question your expertise, character, reputation and livelihood. If you’re up for a promotion, it will try to convince others you’re unfit. It would rather a corrupt person replace you because any child of God in leadership means they lose.

The atmosphere will look and feel like the Twilight Zone, as if you’re the only one going through it. Others will suspect something, but will remain silent out of fear. This spirt can bring the proud and arrogant to their knees. At this point trying to prove your case is pointless. On the outside it’ll seem as if you’re losing. Continue praying, apply God’s Word and stay levelheaded. God may remove you from the situation by a new job, a department transfer or move you into a new residence. Eventually, people will see the truth. However, it’s up to them to discern and choose.

You may experience this many times in your life. Exhausting? Yes. This is building you up. Either you’re going to overcome or succumb to the battle. Make a decision. Fighting doesn’t have to look like a fight. When God sends a prophetic voice into a battle like this, it’s likely the final warning before destruction. Most cases God has given a people ample time to change but they refuse. God may send people to help you and they could be anyone. Read 2 Kings 9:7-37.

We have to study before a test. Like a strategy in a playbook, this spirit has the same agenda. Overtime you’ll recognize it and take proper actions – with God’s instruction. Afterall, the battle belongs to God and the victory is ultimately His. Higher levels, higher devils’ they say.

Don’t curse anyone out at your job. Stay composed no matter what they say. Remain in compliance, do the job you were hired to do. Take a day off if possibly but make this habitual. If you your absence is not excusable, make the time up. Make note of what you see and hear (dates, times and witnesses). Your job may take away your email. That’s okay. If you punch in by computer, leave notes in the comment section.

Set goals for yourself. Take note of the work you completed. That way if the person accuses you of not completing your work, you have proof to protect yourself. Numbers and records don’t lie. Always do your work better today than yesterday and better tomorrow than today. Regardless, of what they say or accuse you of you’re going to make it.

Look out for Part Three.

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